Status Morley's Final Catalogue: Widely distributed, but rarely in considerable numbers. Bentley Wood, one in June 1902 (Mly); Brandeston, Felixstow in 1901 (Gibbs), occasionally at Waldringfield in 1925-35, Leiston; Benacre denes (Btn); on flowers and sugar at Kessingland in June 1890 (Ctw), Lowestoft, Beccles in 1930 (Mr), Bungay (Mn), Gorleston (Mr, Wiltshire) and many just north of the Yare there (Trans. ii, p. clxxvii). In the Breck it occurs about both Brandon and Tuddenham, where Sparke found larvae.
Recent Suffolk status: Locally common near the coast and in the Breck with scattered records elsewhere. Can wander away from known habitat. Larvae have been found in numbers on the foodplant, Rest harrow at Dunwich.
Life history: Single-brooded. A few late records in the autumn.
Identification: Similar to other 'Sallow' species such as Frosted Orange and Orange Sallow but with a distinctive darker last third. Normally flies earlier in the season than those species although there have been odd autumn records in recent times.
Habitat: Grassland, coastal shingle, woodland rides.Recorded in 28 (48%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1890. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |