Status Morley's Final Catalogue: One of our commonest autumn moths throughout the County: very frequent at Bury (Sparke), where Norgate found the var. meridionalis, Bdv., about as frequent as the typical form (EMM. 1906, p.139). Letheringham (Vinter); Ipswich, Monks Soham, Southwold, Gorleston, &c. Cf Entom. xix, 91.
Recent Suffolk Status: Fairly common, especially in towns and villages.
Life history: Single-brooded. Occasional at Ivy blossom as well as regular at light.
Identification: Feathered ranunculus is smaller, more greyish green in colour and has feathered antennae in the male
Habitat: Disturbed ground, suburban areas, gardens, coastal sites.Recorded in 32 (55%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1940. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |