Status Morley's Final Catalogue: Of sufficiently frequent occurrence on palings, &c. Ipswich, at light (Baylis, Pyett); Playford, Needham, Stowmarket; Newmarket; Monks Soham church (Mly), Bungay (Mn), Beccles; Aldeburgh.
Recent Suffolk Status: Now very local. In decline in the county, with some years with no records at all recently.
Life history: Single-brooded.
Identification: Quite similar to a number of species. Cabbage moth has spines on the legs and a white edge to the kidney mark. Dusky brocade has a rounded forewing and is grey in colour, not brown. Pale-shouldered brocade has hairy eyes.
Habitat: Heathland, woodland, fens.Verification Grade Comment: A species that is in decline in the county so evidence now required for records.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 38 (66%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1940. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |