Status Morley's Final Catalogue: This immigrant from central Europe is, not unnaturally, 'Very rare. One at Southtown, Yarmouth, in August 1872, by the Rev. J. Colville' (Bloomfield). The late W. H. Tuck told Mr. Morley that during the summer of 1918 specimes were taken at Bury, Fornham, Yarmouth and Norwich, 'chiefly at tobacco-flowers' (in lit. 14 Oct. 1918); adding on his eightieth birthday that ' a young friend had again taken the Oleander upon a bed of tobacco-plants at Hardwicke' (in lit. 3 Oct. 1920). One at Ipswich on 13 Sept. 1936 (Trans iii, p.191).
Recent Suffolk Status: No records for many years.
Life history: Normally arrives in the UK in the autumn.
Identification: Unmistakeable.
Habitats: As an immigrant species could turn up anywhere but most likely on the coast.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |
Recorded in 2 (3%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1918. Last Recorded in 1936. Additional Stats |