Status Morley’s Final Catalogue: Not listed. Recent Status: A common species in Suffolk. The comments by Morley for A. ferrugana cover both species.
Life Style: Double brooded the autumn brood hibernating. Flies at night and comes to light. The larvae feed from spun leaves on Betula and Alnus.
Identification: The species is very variable in colour and markings and a little more so than the similar A. ferrugana from which it is only reliably separated by genitalia dissection. It should be noted that the images in Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland are wrongly labelled in reverse for A. ferrugana and A. notana. | Determination by Genitalia Examination Required | |
Recorded in 24 (41%) of 58 10k Squares. First Recorded in 1987. Last Recorded in 2024. Additional Stats |